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Future Shock by ALVIN TOFFLER 1971 Bantam Paperback nonfiction social sciences
Future Shock by ALVIN TOFFLER 1971 Bantam Paperback nonfiction social sciences
Description: NOTE: Clearing out books from a single estate...
$5.00 Weight 1.00
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The Moving American, How our perpetual state of transportation has affected our psychology and our society, by George W. Pierson 1973 First Edition HBDJ
The Moving American, How our perpetual state of transportation has affected our psychology and our society, by George W. Pierson 1973 First Edition HBDJ
Description: SYNOPSIS:  290...
$7.00 Weight 2.00
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Co-starring Famous Women and Alcohol by Lucy Barry Robe 1986 HBDJ First Edition
Co-starring Famous Women and Alcohol by Lucy Barry Robe 1986 HBDJ First Edition
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$8.00 Weight 3.00
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Braintrust What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality by Patricia S. Churchland 1st Prt.
Braintrust What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality by Patricia S. Churchland 1st Prt.
Description: From the Collection of an avid reader, an intellectual professional with many interests (non smoker...
$8.00 Weight 2.00
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Death at an Early Age: The Destruction of the Hearts and Minds of Negro children in the Boston Public Schools, by Jonathan Kozol, 1967 HBDJ, 1st  Edition?
Death at an Early Age: The Destruction of the Hearts and Minds of Negro children in the Boston Public Schools, by Jonathan Kozol, 1967 HBDJ, 1st Edition?
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$10.00 Weight 1.50
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Exploring Latin America, Revised Edition, by William H. Gray, Ralph Hancock, Herbert H. Gross, Dwight H. Hamilton, Evalyn A. Meyers. 1960 Hardback
Exploring Latin America, Revised Edition, by William H. Gray, Ralph Hancock, Herbert H. Gross, Dwight H. Hamilton, Evalyn A. Meyers. 1960 Hardback
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$10.00 Weight 1.50
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Keeping the Spark Alive: Preventing burnout in love and marriage by Dr. Ayala M. Pines, 1988 HBDJ First Edition
Keeping the Spark Alive: Preventing burnout in love and marriage by Dr. Ayala M. Pines, 1988 HBDJ First Edition
Description: SYNOPSIS:  From back cover: "When does burnout happen? When you enter a relationship freely in love, and you want to live happily ever after--When we ...
$10.00 Weight 2.50
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Crime & Human Nature JAMES Q. WILSON & RICHARD J. HERRNSTEIN 1985 First Printing
Crime & Human Nature JAMES Q. WILSON & RICHARD J. HERRNSTEIN 1985 First Printing
Description: From the Collection of an avid reader, an intellectual professional with many interests (non smoker...
$10.00 Weight 3.00
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The Social Case History, SOCIAL WORK SERIES by Ada Eliot Sheffield 1928 HB
The Social Case History, SOCIAL WORK SERIES by Ada Eliot Sheffield 1928 HB
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$12.00 Weight 2.00
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