Products > Antiquarian and Collectibles > Religion

31 Items found Sort items by Title Price Date

The Significance of the Church: Layman's Theological Library, by Robert McAfee Brown 1966 First Edition HB
The Significance of the Church: Layman's Theological Library, by Robert McAfee Brown 1966 First Edition HB
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$5.00 Weight 1.00
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Prayer Can Change Your Life - Experiments and Techniques in Prayer Therapy by William R. Parker and Elaine St. Johns 1957 Hardback
Prayer Can Change Your Life - Experiments and Techniques in Prayer Therapy by William R. Parker and Elaine St. Johns 1957 Hardback
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$5.00 Weight 2.00
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Revive Thy Church Beginning With Me, by Samuel Shoemaker, Rector of Calvary Church in New York 1948 First Edition HB
Revive Thy Church Beginning With Me, by Samuel Shoemaker, Rector of Calvary Church in New York 1948 First Edition HB
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$6.00 Weight 1.00
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Making Our Group Christian A Vacation Church School Text for Leaders of Boys and Girls of Jr High Age by Nelle Morton 1953 1st Ed.
Making Our Group Christian A Vacation Church School Text for Leaders of Boys and Girls of Jr High Age by Nelle Morton 1953 1st Ed.
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$6.00 Weight 1.00
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The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ JAMES S. STEWART 1982 3rd Printing
The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ JAMES S. STEWART 1982 3rd Printing
Description: NOTE: Clearing out books from a single estate...
$6.00 Weight 1.00
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The Christian Teacher by Clarence H. Benson 1950 First Edition Hardback Moody PLUS BONUS
The Christian Teacher by Clarence H. Benson 1950 First Edition Hardback Moody PLUS BONUS
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$7.00 Weight 2.00
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Disputed Questions by Fr. Thomas Merton 1960 First Printing Social Issues, Theology
Disputed Questions by Fr. Thomas Merton 1960 First Printing Social Issues, Theology
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$7.00 Weight 2.00
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I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God / No Pat Answers Marjorie Holmes & Eugenia Price 1969 HB
I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God / No Pat Answers Marjorie Holmes & Eugenia Price 1969 HB
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$7.00 Weight 2.00
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The Gospel Messenger December 1937 Christmas Edition KWTO Radio Springfield MO
The Gospel Messenger December 1937 Christmas Edition KWTO Radio Springfield MO
Description: SYNOPSIS:  ...
$8.00 Weight 1.00
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