Fishing—Art, or Sport?

To a red-blooded fisherman / woman (yes, Mothergooseberry is hooked on fishing!), it is both art and sport.

In Missouri, March 1 each year marks the beginning of Trout season. There is nothing more tantalizing than the thought of those trout who have gone hungry for so many months taking note of that morsel you drop right in front of his nose and watching the battle of the wits begin. Trout are by nature extremely suspicious and wily, as fish go. But they also get mighty hungry when fisherman haven’t been literally throwing food at them for several months. And so it begins.

Fly Fishing

Whether you are a rod and reel fisherman, a cane pole fisherman, or the “purist” fly-fisherman who ties his or her own flies, the thrill is the same when that strike happens and the fight begins. And let’s face it, there is nothing like the taste of pan fried trout or trout almondine to make all that standing around in cold weather, in colder water, worth it.

Mothergooseberry Books offers several books to help you hone your fishing skills.

Happy fishing!

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